Eu sper, ca ceea ce am invatat in aceste doua zile de workshop, sa fiu instare sa pun in practica!
Multumim Maestre!
Master Rob Heyman visit to Bucharest has done many "victims" through Romanian Photographers. Many of them could not come for various reasons, and those who came, left the room actually regarded. The technique of the Master, how he present it, and live demonstrations, had delight the audiences. I hope that what I learned in this two day of workshop, to be wealthy to put into practice!
Thank you Master!
De asemenea trebuie sa multumim si celor care au facut prezenta Maestrului posibila: Epson si 4K!
Also we have to thank those which made possible the presence of the Master: Epson & 4K!
Cateva fotografii cu Maestrul Rob Heyman in timpul workshop-ului
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